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How to use a teleprompter with zoom


Updated: Jan 30, 2022

Is there a teleprompter for zoom?

Yes! The virtual teleprompter app for Zoom meetings is intuitive and easy to use. The Virtual Teleprompter helps you read a script while looking into the camera. The app will automatically scroll through your text during the zoom meeting which allows you to focus on the audience engagement and eye contact.


  1. The Zoom application

  2. Download the Virtual Teleprompter app

Setup the Teleprompter app so you can read notes while on Zoom

  1. Open the Virtual Teleprompter app from the start menu.

Virtual Teleprompter start menu icon

2. Click the green "Proceed" button in the top left corner.

Virtual Teleprompter settings

3. Copy and Paste your speech or notes. Note: this might be in MS Word, MS PowerPoint or notepad.

Virtual Teleprompter app being used on Zoom

4. Press the green "Start" button in the top left corner and position the virtual teleprompter app on top of the Zoom Meeting.

Zoom meeting with the teleprompter software in the foreground

How to read a script while looking into the camera

5. Elevate your webcam and screen so they are at eye level.

6. Position the teleprompter application on top of your Zoom meeting so you have a nice transparent overlay. Be careful not to place the teleprompter on top of the Zoom meeting controls so you can easily access the mute button, webcam on/off button, screenshare etc.

7. You can start or pause the scrolling text by pressing Enter on your keyboard or left click on the text.

8. You can adjust the speed of the scrolling text by using the keyboard UP and Down arrows.

9. You can adjust the font size, font color, transparency and also adjust several advanced features for right to left languages,

Zoom meeting using a teleprompter app
Using a teleprompter with zoom

The benefits of using your laptop as a teleprompter on Zoom

You Can Speak Naturally

You can speak more naturally with a teleprompter than you can with physical notes because you can glance at the camera or group of people in front of you instead of looking down at your notes. Maintaining eye contact helps bring a sense of connection back to virtual meetings. Your head will gradually move from left to right as you read from the screen, allowing you to speak evenly to everyone in the Zoom meeting. In addition, a teleprompter solves another prevalent issue. When reading from notes, you must frequently look up in order to engage with the Zoom audience and appear more genuine. However, you are more likely to lose your position and say unwanted phrases or halt awkwardly if you do so. When you read from a screen instead, you are able to stay on track with your speech while still connecting with your audience.

Teleprompters allow for more precise wording

You can keep better precision than if you read from notes or try to remember what to say off the top of your head since you can read your script without losing your position. This advantage could be crucial in situations when the precision of your statements is critical. Legal and budget presentations, for example, frequently necessitate precision.

You can concentrate on your nonverbal communication.

Nonverbal clues are frequently just as essential as what you say out loud in Zoom meetings. You may focus more of your attention on exhibiting the correct non-verbal clues to make your speech as impactful as possible when you know what you’re going to say and don’t have to worry about forgetting it. Furthermore, without notes, your hands are free to emphasise key points in your Zoom presentation.

Your Professionalism Will Grow

It is critical to appear professional when speaking persuasively on Zoom. Without scribbled notes or awkward pauses to distract your audience, you can exude professionalism and confidence, emphasising your expertise. Your audience will trust you more if you appear well-dressed and confident in yourself.

Teleprompters Help You Save Time

You can spend less time memorising your speech if you use this technology. That time could be better spent improving other aspects of your performance.

You Have More Control Over Your Image

The right speed is required to set the tone of your speech and ensure that your audience understands you. You can use the ability to modify the speed of your script to set a pace that is appropriate for your presentation. You can also better control your pauses and intensity in your speech. If you need to make a long presentation, a teleprompter may be the ideal tool to help you provide your finest performance. Because of the new affordable applications, you may now access an easy-to-use teleprompter that can help you moderate your voice and better engage with your audience.

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